Excellent sportsmanship

What a brilliant week it has been at Russell House.

The children have enjoyed two whole-school events and, after plenty of hard work in their athletics lessons, they were able to show us all their impressive running, jumping and throwing skills. Congratulations, Form 6, for performing so brilliantly and for your excellent sportsmanship throughout.
On Thursday, Form 6 came to school dressed in red, white and blue for the annual Russell House French Day. In the morning, they took part in a wonderful assembly, where they sang a song in French to the rest of the school. They then had a carousel of activities on the paddock, as part of their French Olympics. They took part in the following activities:
  • Tir a l’arc
  • Escalade
  • Relais
  • Lancer de disque
  • Ping pong
It was lovely to see the children having so much fun and there was certainly a fantastic buzz around the school. At lunchtime, the children then had a tasty picnic on the lawn and it was the perfect weather for some ice cream too!
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins