Who's Who
Craig McCarthy was appointed Headmaster in 2012. Having first qualified as a solicitor, Craig later found his true vocation while living in a prestigious Scottish boarding school where his wife Emily taught English. He began his teaching career at a thriving Perthshire preparatory school. Science and all sports are his passions and he very much enjoys running chess and children's philosophy sessions, that we call Brights. Craig and Emily have two boys, Patrick and Thomas.
Senior Management Team
Deputy Head
Katrina Reay
Head of Pre-Prep
Amy Cooper
Patricia Yearley
Marta Parker
Department Heads
Head of Art
Patricia Farraway
Head of Curriculum Support
Clare Williamson
Head of English
Katrina Reay
Head of Games and IT
Damon Trigger
Head of Humanities
Joseph Plant
Head of Mathematics
James Shield
Head of Modern Languages
Leonie Boff
Head of Music
Gemma Norford
Head of Science
Julia Carn
Main School
Form 7
James Shield
Form 6
Sarah Curling
Form 5
Joseph Plant
Form 4
Helen Hutchinson
Form 3
Tammy Flower
Form 2
Jennifer Varley
Form 1
Amy Cooper
Joanna Winser
Louise Bennett
Russell Robins
Tanya Warner
Click here for the full Staff List
The governors have a duty to oversee the overall running of the school and to ensure its continued success. Their longstanding involvement and strong commitment to the school’s aims and ethos provide stability and long-term vision. Bringing a broad base of business and professional expertise to the management of the school, they meet regularly.
The Governors can be contacted through the school. Please mark correspondence "Private and Confidential" and For the attention of the Chair of The Governors, email: enquiries@russellhouse.kent.sch.uk
Dr Yvonne Lindsay - Chair
Yvonne Lindsay oversees all activities within Russell House in her role as Chairman of the Governors and representative of the Proprietor. She has been actively involved in the school since 2006.
Andrew Lindsay
Andrew Lindsay supervises the financial management of Russell House, a role he has held since 2009. He has an MBA (Insead) and a career in city finance, spanning a range of analytical and investment roles.
Jackie Imas
Jackie Imas manages marketing and communications activities at the school, having been involved with Russell House since 2000. She runs a marketing and copywriting business for science and technology companies.