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Food is fun

Our area of interest for this week has been all about food! The children were very excited to try some fruits and herbs on Monday.

We were very careful about how we tried each one, thinking about our senses before eating them, which took a lot of willpower! There was lots of lovely language about what we could see, feel and smell before we finally got to put the foods in our mouths to see what we could taste, and hear, as we bit into them. The children did a fantastic job at trying new foods and found out that the taste of lemon makes you pull a really funny face!

In maths, we have had a lot of fun looking at repeating patterns. After discussing what patterns are, we decided to make fruit kebabs by choosing two of our favourite fruits. Because the children did so well creating their own patterns, they got to eat them afterwards as a special reward!

On Wednesday, we found out that foods can be used for more than just eating, and can even make paint! We studied the foods we had (turmeric, paprika, mint and beetroot) and took a guess at what colour of paint they might make. The children’s predictions were perfect, and we loved the colours they made.

We have had lots of fun with food related activities this week. The children have been busy squeezing and twisting lemons (which is great for strengthening those muscles) to make lemon tea and chopping up courgettes and carrots to make delicious dinners! We used corn cobs, onions and lettuce hearts to do some printing and even made shape pizzas!

On Thursday, we had a look at where foods come from by looking at the labels on items of food from Mrs Winser’s kitchen. We were surprised to learn that lots of the foods that we eat at home and buy at the supermarkets have not come from England. The tomatoes were from Spain, beans from Canada and limes from Peru, which is over 6000 miles away! We spoke about how this might be impacting the environment, and how it would be a good idea to try to grow our own foods. The children decided that they would like to try planting and growing some vegetables after half-term.

In literacy, we listened to The Little Red Hen story. It took a lot of concentration, because there were lots of actions to go with it, but Transition soon got the hang of it. They were also keen to retell the story to Nursery, which they did with so much confidence. I think we may have some future storytellers in our class!

Inspired by the Little Red Hen in the story, we decided to make our own bread. We weighed out the ingredients, then carefully poured in the water to make a dough. It was great fun kneading the bread, but tiring work too! We were glad when the rolls were baking so we could have a little rest! The Little Red Hen didn’t share any of her bread, but Transition are so good at sharing that you might even get to try a bit, too! It is very crusty though, so your jaw will get a good work out!

It’s been a very busy Half Term in Transition, however, we’re very proud of every child for their positive attitude, kindness to others and efforts in trying new challenges. I wish you all a wonderful half-term break.


Tagged  Transition  Pre-Prep  Bulletins