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We aim to nurture a lifelong passion for learning modern foreign languages, ensuring they are introduced in a way that is both enjoyable and fun. At the same time, we help children develop an awareness of cultural differences in other countries and widen their intellectual horizons.

Learning a foreign language stretches children intellectually and opens up new areas of knowledge and experience. We want our pupils to gain a personal satisfaction and sense of achievement from learning a new foreign language.

We seek to make children aware that all language has structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another, laying the foundations for future study. We develop children's general speaking and listening skills and, using different languages in a practical context, help pupils learn to communicate with confidence. A fun, digital language tool is used to support lessons and can also be used at home by pupils.

French is the main focus of language lessons from the Pre-Prep up to Form 7. Our teachers include native speakers, which lends authenticity and accuracy to the children's studies. To widen pupils' horizons, we also have a thriving Spanish club and have recently launched German and Mandarin clubs.

Our annual Modern Languages Days involve every class in numerous activities related to language, history, music, food and culture of other countries. 

Being so close to the Continent allows us to use trips to consolidate the pupils' learning. A highlight for Form 7 is a five-day residential trip to France as part of our Camps' Programme. The children spend a day on the battlefields of the Somme learning about life for the locals and for our troops during the First World War. The children visit an authentic French market where they use their language skills to purchase picnic items from local stallholders and they explore the sights and sounds of Paris. Every year, we are also very excited to take Form 6 on a day trip to the Christmas market in Lille.

In summary:

  • We provide curriculum French lessons from Forms 1 to 7, supported by digital language tools which can also be accessed at home.
  • We offer three language clubs: Spanish, Mandarin and German.
  • Language Days and French Days open pupils' horizons to different cultures.
  • Form 6 enjoys a day trip to the Christmas market in Lille. Form 7 looks forward to a five-day residential stay in France, packed with visits and activities.
  • Our links with secondary schools enable pupils in Forms 6 and 7 to experience languages in the next stage of their education.
  • The visit of bilingual parents and external theatre companies extends our learning experiences.